
For Zak: The responsibility for our grief

This is a collective text signed by at least 150 academics from Universities in and outside Greece (list updated here).

The last few days, we have been witnessing with emotion and rage the developments in relation to the violent, unexpected, and unjust death of queer activist and drag performer Zak Kostopoulos in the centre of Athens.

The racist and homophobic positions, those opinions publicly expressed by some of our fellow citizens, which are extremely insulting to the memory of the deceased, as well as the initial misinformation and unethical coverage of the events by certain mass media outlets, must be condemned once again. Nevertheless, they have been answered by the immediate reaction of the LGBTQI community—to which Zak belonged and in which he was cherished—as well as other collectives, initiatives, groups, and individuals who strongly expressed their grief, but also their demand for a full investigation of the Συνέχεια

Commons,Critique of Political Economy,intellectual property,Law

The enclosures of Brussels

by Akis Gavriilidis

Brussels, as everybody knows, is the seat of the EU institutions, as well as of several other international agencies –private, public, or any combination of the two- who all day long praise the virtues of «liberalisation and market-oriented reforms» and propose/ impose them on all countries as the only one-size-fits-all solution. So much so that the name of the city itself has come to constitute a synonym for neoliberal governance.

But apart from being a symbol, Brussels is a real city where real people live, whose lives and needs are administered and served (or not) every day, in certain ways rather than others. (Ιncluding the people –dozens of thousands of them- who work for the said institutions and agencies). These ways can rarely be considered as a paradigmatic delivery of the promise for a “smooth functioning market system which provides Συνέχεια

exception,Human rights,Law,Philosophy,Politics

Os direitos humanos como regra e exceção

Akis Gavriilidis[1]

1. A « exclusão inclusiva » do crime político

No período de redação desse trabalho (junho-julho 2003), o debate jurídico e político da Grécia continua sendo dominado pelas controvérsias em torno do processo de 19 pessoas acusadas como membros da organização «17 de novembro», organização terrorista, segundo a terminologia oficial, ou de « propaganda armada », segundo uma denominação que parece mais adequada.

Essa organização de extrema esquerda atuou por mais de 25 anos, tendo executado 22 pessoas, entre as quais se encontravam torturadores que atuaram durante a ditadura militar grega (1967-1974), policiais, militares, grandes empresários, agentes da CIA e diplomatas turcos.

Durante todos esses anos, a polícia grega não conseguiu prender nenhum dos membros da organização. Repentinamente, em 2002 foram presas, sucessivamente e de forma espetacular, 19 pessoas.

Alguns acusados negaram terminantemente seu envolvimento com a organização ; outros confessaram, para, em seguida, revogar suas declarações, alegando que foram extorquidas Συνέχεια
